Introduction to C

C Grammar and Features

C is a general-purpose programming language that was developed in the early 1970s by Dennis Ritchie. C is a powerful language that is used to create a wide variety of software, including operating systems, compilers, and applications.

C has a simple and elegant syntax that makes it easy to learn and use. The language is also very efficient, which makes it a popular choice for writing performance-critical code.

C is a statically typed language, which means that the types of variables and expressions must be known at compile time. This helps to prevent errors and makes the code more readable and maintainable.

C has a number of advanced features that make it a powerful language. These features include:

  • Pointers: Pointers are variables that can store the address of another variable. This allows you to access the value of the variable indirectly, which can be useful for a variety of tasks, such as passing parameters to functions, allocating memory, and manipulating data structures.
  • Functions: Functions are blocks of code that can be called from other parts of the program. This allows you to break down your code into smaller, more manageable pieces. Functions can also be used to encapsulate code, which makes it easier to reuse and maintain.
  • Structures: Structures are user-defined data types that can be used to group together related data. This can be useful for a variety of tasks, such as storing data about a person, a product, or an object. Structures can also be used to create more complex data types, such as lists, queues, and trees.
  • Enumerations: Enumerations are a way of creating named constants. This can be useful for a variety of tasks, such as specifying the possible values of a variable or flag. Enumerations can also be used to make your code more readable and maintainable.
  • The preprocessor: The preprocessor is a tool that is used to process C code before it is compiled. The preprocessor can be used to perform a variety of tasks, such as:
    • Defining macros
    • Including header files
    • Generating code

The preprocessor can be a powerful tool, but it is important to use it carefully. Improper use of the preprocessor can lead to errors and unexpected behavior.


Here are some examples of C code that demonstrates the use of the above features:

// This is a function that takes two numbers as input and returns their sum.
int sum(int a, int b) {
  return a + b;

// This is a structure that represents a person.
struct person {
  char *name;
  int age;

// This is a function that prints the name and age of a person.
void print_person(struct person *person) {
  printf("Name: %s\n", person->name);
  printf("Age: %d\n", person->age);

// This is a macro that defines a constant with the value 10.
#define TEN 10

// This is a header file that contains declarations for the `sum()` and `print_person()` functions.
#include "header.h"

// This is the main function of the program.
int main() {
  // Create a person and initialize its name and age.
  struct person person = {"John Doe", 30};

  // Print the person's name and age.

  // Calculate the sum of 10 and 20.
  int sum = sum(10, 20);

  // Print the sum.
  printf("The sum of 10 and 20 is %d.\n", sum);

  // Return 0 to indicate success.
  return 0;

This is just a small example of the many things that can be done with C. For more information, please consult a C programming tutorial or reference manual.