Android Binder Introduction


Android AIDL, or Android Interface Definition Language, is a language that is used to define interfaces between Android components. AIDL interfaces are used to allow components to communicate with each other without having to know about each other’s implementation details.

AIDL interfaces are defined in .aidl files. An .aidl file contains a list of interface declarations, each of which consists of a name and a list of methods. The methods can have parameters and return values, and the parameters and return values can be of any type, including other AIDL interfaces.

Here is an example of a simple AIDL interface:

interface IExampleService {
  void doSomething();

This interface has a single method, doSomething(), which takes no parameters and returns nothing.

To use an AIDL interface, you first need to generate code for it. You can do this using the aidl tool. The aidl tool will generate Java code for the interface and its methods.

Once you have generated the code for the interface, you can create an implementation of the interface. The implementation must provide implementations for all of the methods in the interface.

Once you have created an implementation of the interface, you can bind to it from other components. To bind to an AIDL interface, you use the ServiceConnection class.

Here is an example of how to bind to an AIDL interface:

private ServiceConnection serviceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
  public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
    IExampleService exampleService = IExampleService.Stub.asInterface(service);
    // Call the methods on the AIDL interface here.

  public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
    // The service has disconnected.

// Bind to the service.
bindService(new Intent(this, ExampleService.class), serviceConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE);

Once you have bound to the service, you can call the methods on the AIDL interface.

AIDL is a powerful tool that can be used to create complex interfaces between Android components. AIDL interfaces are used in a variety of Android components, including services, activities, and broadcast receivers.

Here are some of the benefits of using AIDL:

  • Decoupling: AIDL interfaces decouple components from each other. This means that you can change the implementation of a component without affecting the other components that use it.
  • Performance: AIDL interfaces are very efficient. The Android system uses a binder mechanism to communicate between components, and AIDL interfaces are optimized for use with the binder mechanism.
  • Reliability: AIDL interfaces are very reliable. The Android system has a number of features in place to ensure that AIDL interfaces are used correctly.

If you are developing Android applications, I recommend using AIDL interfaces to communicate between components. AIDL interfaces offer a number of benefits, including decoupling, performance, and reliability.


Android HIDL, or Android Hardware Interface Definition Language, is a language that is used to define interfaces between Android components and hardware HALs. HIDL interfaces are similar to AIDL interfaces, but they are designed specifically for hardware interaction.

HIDL interfaces are defined in .hal files. An .hal file contains a list of interface declarations, each of which consists of a name and a list of methods. The methods can have parameters and return values, and the parameters and return values can be of any type, including HIDL structures, enums, and other HIDL interfaces.

Here is an example of a simple HIDL interface:

interface IExampleHal {
  void doSomething();

This interface has a single method, doSomething(), which takes no parameters and returns nothing.

To use an HIDL interface, you first need to generate code for it. You can do this using the hidl-gen tool. The hidl-gen tool will generate Java and C++ code for the interface and its methods.

Once you have generated the code for the interface, you can create an implementation of the interface. The implementation must provide implementations for all of the methods in the interface.

Once you have created an implementation of the interface, you can bind to it from other components. To bind to an HIDL interface, you use the IHalServiceManager class.

Here is an example of how to bind to an HIDL interface:

// Get the IHalServiceManager.
IHalServiceManager halServiceManager = IHalServiceManager.getService();

// Bind to the HIDL interface.
IExampleHal exampleHal = halServiceManager.getService("example.hal");

// Call the methods on the HIDL interface here.

Once you have bound to the service, you can call the methods on the HIDL interface.

HIDL is a powerful tool that can be used to create complex interfaces between Android components and hardware HALs. HIDL interfaces are used in a variety of Android devices, including smartphones, tablets, and wearables.

Here are some of the benefits of using HIDL:

  • Decoupling: HIDL interfaces decouple components from hardware HALs. This means that you can change the implementation of a hardware HAL without affecting the other components that use it.
  • Performance: HIDL interfaces are very efficient. The Android system uses a binder mechanism to communicate between components and hardware HALs, and HIDL interfaces are optimized for use with the binder mechanism.
  • Reliability: HIDL interfaces are very reliable. The Android system has a number of features in place to ensure that HIDL interfaces are used correctly.

If you are developing Android applications or hardware HALs, I recommend using HIDL interfaces to communicate between them. HIDL interfaces offer a number of benefits, including decoupling, performance, and reliability.


AIDL and HIDL are both interface definition languages used in Android development. However, they have different purposes and strengths.

AIDL is used to define interfaces between Android components, such as activities, services, and broadcast receivers. It is designed for general-purpose communication between components, and it is very efficient.

HIDL is used to define interfaces between Android components and hardware HALs. It is designed specifically for hardware interaction, and it provides a number of features that make it well-suited for this task, such as support for bitfields and enumerations.

Here is a table that compares AIDL and HIDL in more detail:

Purpose To define interfaces between Android components To define interfaces between Android components and hardware HALs
Strengths Efficiency, generality Support for hardware interaction
When to use For general-purpose communication between components For communication between components and hardware HALs

Which one to choose?

If you are developing a new component that needs to communicate with other components, you should use AIDL. AIDL is the most widely used interface definition language in Android, and it is very efficient.

If you are developing a new component that needs to communicate with a hardware HAL, you should use HIDL. HIDL is designed specifically for hardware interaction, and it provides a number of features that make it well-suited for this task.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing between AIDL and HIDL:

  • Performance: AIDL is generally more efficient than HIDL. This is because AIDL does not have to support the same level of hardware interaction as HIDL.
  • Expressiveness: HIDL is more expressive than AIDL. This is because HIDL supports bitfields and enumerations, which are often needed for hardware interaction.
  • Compatibility: AIDL is more widely supported than HIDL. This is because AIDL has been around longer and is used in a wider range of Android components.

Overall, I recommend using AIDL for general-purpose communication between components and HIDL for communication between components and hardware HALs.



Binder is a lightweight inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism that is used in Android. It allows components to communicate with each other without having to know about each other’s implementation details.

Binder uses a shared memory buffer to communicate between components. This makes it very efficient, as it does not require any copying of data.

AIDL and HIDL are interface definition languages that are used to define interfaces between components. AIDL is used for general-purpose communication between components, while HIDL is used for communication between components and hardware HALs.

Binder is used to implement the interfaces defined by AIDL and HIDL. When a component calls a method on an interface, Binder delivers the call to the component that implements the interface.

Here is an example of how Binder interacts with AIDL and HIDL:

// Component A calls a method on an interface defined by AIDL.

// Binder delivers the call to ComponentB, which implements the interface.

Binder is a very important part of the Android system. It allows components to communicate with each other efficiently and reliably.

Here are some of the benefits of using Binder:

  • Performance: Binder is very efficient. It uses a shared memory buffer to communicate between components, which eliminates the need for any copying of data.
  • Reliability: Binder is very reliable. The Android system has a number of features in place to ensure that Binder calls are delivered correctly.
  • Versatility: Binder can be used to implement a wide range of interfaces, including interfaces defined by AIDL and HIDL.

If you are developing Android applications, I recommend using Binder to communicate between components. Binder offers a number of benefits, including performance, reliability, and versatility.


Binder is implemented as a kernel driver. The Binder driver provides a number of services to components, including:

  • Memory management: The Binder driver manages a shared memory buffer that is used to communicate between components.
  • Process management: The Binder driver manages the processes that are involved in IPC. This includes starting and stopping processes, and managing their memory and resources.
  • Security: The Binder driver provides a number of security features to ensure that IPC calls are delivered securely.

Components interact with the Binder driver through a set of system calls. The system calls allow components to register and unregister themselves with the Binder driver, to send and receive messages, and to manage their connections to other components.

Here is a simplified overview of how Binder works:

  1. When a component wants to communicate with another component, it first registers itself with the Binder driver.
  2. The component then sends a message to the other component using a system call.
  3. The Binder driver delivers the message to the other component.
  4. The other component receives the message using a system call.
  5. The other component then processes the message and sends back a response.
  6. The Binder driver delivers the response to the original component.

Binder is a very complex system, but this is a simplified overview of how it works.

Here are some of the key features of the Binder implementation:

  • Shared memory buffer: Binder uses a shared memory buffer to communicate between components. This eliminates the need for any copying of data, which makes Binder very efficient.
  • Process management: The Binder driver manages the processes that are involved in IPC. This ensures that IPC calls are delivered correctly, and that resources are used efficiently.
  • Security: The Binder driver provides a number of security features to ensure that IPC calls are delivered securely. This includes features such as authentication and authorization.

Binder is a very important part of the Android system. It allows components to communicate with each other efficiently and reliably.


Binder is a lightweight inter-process communication (IPC) mechanism that is used in Android. It allows components to communicate with each other without having to know about each other’s implementation details.

Here are some of the pros and cons of using Binder:


  • Performance: Binder is very efficient. It uses a shared memory buffer to communicate between components, which eliminates the need for any copying of data.
  • Reliability: Binder is very reliable. The Android system has a number of features in place to ensure that Binder calls are delivered correctly.
  • Versatility: Binder can be used to implement a wide range of interfaces, including interfaces defined by AIDL and HIDL.


  • Complexity: Binder is a complex system. It can be difficult to understand and to debug.
  • Limited support for non-Android platforms: Binder is designed for Android. There is limited support for Binder on other platforms.

Overall, Binder is a powerful and efficient IPC mechanism that is well-suited for Android development. However, it is important to be aware of the complexity of Binder and the limited support for non-Android platforms.

Here are some additional things to consider when choosing whether or not to use Binder:

  • Performance: If performance is critical, then Binder is a good choice. Binder is very efficient and can handle a high volume of IPC calls.
  • Complexity: If simplicity is important, then Binder may not be the best choice. Binder is a complex system and can be difficult to understand and to debug.
  • Platform support: If you need to support other platforms, then Binder may not be the best choice. Binder is designed for Android and there is limited support for Binder on other platforms.

If you are unsure whether or not to use Binder in your Android development, I recommend that you consult with an experienced Android developer.