Android Component Introduction


Android broadcasts are a way for apps to communicate with other apps without having to know about each other. Broadcasts are messages that are sent to all apps that are registered to receive them.

Broadcasts can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:

  • Notifying apps of system events, such as when the device boots up, when a network connection is established, or when a battery is low.
  • Notifying apps of events that occur in other apps, such as when a new message is received or when a media file is finished playing.
  • Allowing apps to communicate with each other, such as when an app wants to share data with another app.

Android broadcasts are sent by the system or by apps. When a broadcast is sent, the system delivers it to all apps that are registered to receive it. The apps can then respond to the broadcast in any way that they want.

To receive broadcasts, an app must register itself to receive them. This is done by adding a <receiver> element to the app’s manifest file. The <receiver> element specifies the type of broadcasts that the app wants to receive and the class that will handle the broadcasts.

When a broadcast is received by an app, the app’s broadcast receiver is called. The broadcast receiver can then handle the broadcast in any way that it wants. For example, the broadcast receiver could update the app’s user interface, start a new activity, or send a message to another app.

Android broadcasts are a powerful way for apps to communicate with each other and to respond to system events. By understanding how Android broadcasts work, you can develop apps that are more responsive and integrated with the Android system.

Here are some examples of how Android broadcasts are used:

  • When you turn on your phone, the system sends a broadcast to all apps that are registered to receive it. This allows the apps to initialize themselves and to start running.
  • When you receive a text message, the system sends a broadcast to all apps that are registered to receive it. This allows the apps to display a notification or to start a new activity to view the message.
  • When you connect to a Wi-Fi network, the system sends a broadcast to all apps that are registered to receive it. This allows the apps to update their network settings and to start using the network connection.

Android broadcasts are a versatile and powerful way for apps to communicate with each other and to respond to system events. By understanding how Android broadcasts work, you can develop apps that are more responsive and integrated with the Android system.

All registered receivers in Android are held by the Android system. The system maintains a list of all registered receivers and their associated intent filters. When a broadcast is sent, the system delivers it to all receivers that are registered to receive it.

The system’s broadcast receiver manager is responsible for managing the list of registered receivers. The broadcast receiver manager is a singleton class that is accessible to all apps.

To register a broadcast receiver, an app must call the registerReceiver() method on the broadcast receiver manager. The registerReceiver() method takes the broadcast receiver and an intent filter as arguments. The intent filter specifies the type of broadcasts that the receiver wants to receive.

To unregister a broadcast receiver, an app must call the unregisterReceiver() method on the broadcast receiver manager. The unregisterReceiver() method takes the broadcast receiver as an argument.

The Android system is responsible for delivering broadcasts to all registered receivers. When a broadcast is sent, the system iterates over the list of registered receivers and checks to see if their intent filters match the broadcast’s intent action. If a match is found, the system delivers the broadcast to the receiver.

The system’s broadcast receiver manager is a powerful tool that allows apps to communicate with each other and to respond to system events. By understanding how the broadcast receiver manager works, you can develop apps that are more responsive and integrated with the Android system.

Here are some additional details about the broadcast receiver manager:

  • The broadcast receiver manager is implemented by the class.
  • The broadcast receiver manager maintains a list of all registered receivers and their associated intent filters.
  • When a broadcast is sent, the system delivers it to all receivers that are registered to receive it.
  • The broadcast receiver manager is responsible for ensuring that broadcasts are delivered to the correct receivers.

The broadcast receiver manager is a critical part of the Android system and it plays an important role in communication between apps and the system.

Apps register broadcast receivers with the Android system through the PackageManager service, which is a system service that provides information about installed apps and manages their permissions. When an app broadcasts an event, the system delivers it to all registered receivers that match the event’s intent action.

The following diagram illustrates the process:

[Diagram of Android broadcast process]

  1. App A registers a broadcast receiver with the system through the PackageManager service.
  2. App B broadcasts an event.
  3. The system delivers the event to all registered receivers that match the event’s intent action.
  4. App A’s broadcast receiver receives the event and handles it.

The system uses AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) to communicate with apps and services. AIDL is a language that is used to define interfaces between apps and services. AIDL interfaces are defined in .aidl files and are compiled into Java code.

The PackageManager service exposes an AIDL interface that allows apps to register and unregister broadcast receivers. The system also exposes an AIDL interface that allows apps to broadcast events.

When an app broadcasts an event, the system uses the PackageManager service to determine which registered receivers match the event’s intent action. The system then delivers the event to all of those receivers using the AIDL interface.

Broadcast receivers are a powerful way for apps to communicate with each other and to respond to system events. By understanding how broadcast receivers work, you can develop apps that are more responsive and integrated with the Android system.


Content providers and content resolvers are two important components of the Android system that allow apps to share data with each other. Content providers encapsulate data and make it accessible to other apps through a standard interface. Content resolvers allow apps to access the data in content providers.

Content providers and content resolvers interact with each other through AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language). AIDL is a language that is used to define interfaces between apps and services. AIDL interfaces are defined in .aidl files and are compiled into Java code.

The content provider exposes an AIDL interface that allows apps to query, insert, update, and delete data. The content resolver exposes an AIDL interface that allows apps to call the methods on the content provider’s AIDL interface.

When an app wants to access data in a content provider, it uses the content resolver to call the methods on the content provider’s AIDL interface. The content resolver then forwards the call to the content provider. The content provider then performs the requested operation on the data and returns the results to the content resolver. The content resolver then returns the results to the app.

The following diagram illustrates the process of how a content provider and content resolver interact with each other to share data:

[Diagram of content provider and content resolver interaction]

  1. App A uses the content resolver to call a method on the content provider’s AIDL interface.
  2. The content resolver forwards the call to the content provider.
  3. The content provider performs the requested operation on the data.
  4. The content provider returns the results to the content resolver.
  5. The content resolver returns the results to App A.

Content providers and content resolvers are a powerful way for apps to share data with each other. By understanding how content providers and content resolvers work, you can develop apps that can share data with other apps in a secure and efficient way.

Here are some examples of how content providers are used in Android:

  • The Contacts Provider exposes the contacts data on the device.
  • The MediaStore Provider exposes the media data on the device, such as images, videos, and audio files.
  • The Calendar Provider exposes the calendar data on the device.
  • Apps can use content providers to share their own data with other apps. For example, a social media app could use a content provider to share its users’ profile data with other social media apps.

Content providers and content resolvers are a powerful and important part of the Android system. By understanding how they work, you can develop apps that can share data with other apps in a secure and efficient way.

The process of saving data to the MediaStore using a content resolver is as follows:

  1. Call the insert() method to insert the data into the MediaStore. The insert() method returns a Uri object that represents the saved data.
  2. Call the openOutputStream() method on the ContentResolver object to open an OutputStream object for the saved data.
  3. Write the data to the OutputStream object.
  4. Close the OutputStream object.

Once you have completed these steps, the data will be saved to the MediaStore. You can then use the Uri object to retrieve the data from the MediaStore.

Here is an example of how to save an image to the MediaStore using a content resolver and write the image data to the OutputStream object:

Uri uri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, "my_image.jpg");
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, "/path/to/image.jpg");

Uri insertedUri = getContentResolver().insert(uri, values, null);

OutputStream os = getContentResolver().openOutputStream(insertedUri);
// Write the image data to the OutputStream object.

Once you have executed the above code, the image will be saved to the MediaStore. You can then use the insertedUri object to retrieve the image from the MediaStore.

Content resolvers are a powerful way to save and retrieve data on Android devices. By understanding how to use content resolvers, you can develop apps that can save and retrieve a variety of content types in a secure and efficient way.

Camera apps can save the image by themselves and then insert the URI of the saved image into the MediaStore. This is a common practice for camera apps, as it allows the camera app to have more control over the saving process and to optimize the saving process for performance.

To insert the URI of a saved image into the MediaStore, the camera app can call the insert() method on the ContentResolver object. The insert() method takes the Uri object of the image to save and a ContentValues object that contains the metadata of the image.

Here is an example of how to insert the URI of a saved image into the MediaStore:

Uri uri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DISPLAY_NAME, "my_image.jpg");
values.put(MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA, "/path/to/saved/image.jpg");

Uri insertedUri = getContentResolver().insert(uri, values, null);

The insertedUri object will contain the URI of the saved image in the MediaStore. The camera app can then use this URI to retrieve the image from the MediaStore.

Saving the image by itself and then inserting the URI into the MediaStore has a number of advantages, including:

  • It allows the camera app to have more control over the saving process.
  • It allows the camera app to optimize the saving process for performance.
  • It allows the camera app to save the image to a different location than the MediaStore, such as a private directory on the device or a cloud storage service.

However, there are also some disadvantages to saving the image by itself and then inserting the URI into the MediaStore, including:

  • It is more complex than simply saving the image to the MediaStore.
  • It requires the camera app to manage the saved image file itself.
  • If the camera app is uninstalled, the saved image file may be orphaned.

Overall, whether or not a camera app should save the image by itself and then insert the URI into the MediaStore is a design decision that the camera app developer needs to make. The developer should consider the advantages and disadvantages of each approach and choose the approach that is best for their app and their users.


Android Interface Definition Language (AIDL) and Hardware Interface Definition Language (HIDL) are two languages that are used to define interfaces between apps and services in Android. AIDL is the older language and is used in many parts of the Android system, while HIDL is a newer language that is designed to be more efficient and easier to use.


AIDL is a text-based language that is used to define interfaces between apps and services. AIDL interfaces are defined in .aidl files and are compiled into Java code.

AIDL interfaces are defined using a number of different types, including:

  • Primitives: Basic types such as int, float, and string.
  • Parcels: Objects that can be serialized and deserialized.
  • Enums: Enumerated types.
  • Interfaces: References to other AIDL interfaces.

AIDL interfaces can also define methods and events. Methods are functions that can be called on the service, while events are messages that can be sent to the service.


HIDL is a newer language that is designed to be more efficient and easier to use than AIDL. HIDL interfaces are defined in .hidl files and are compiled into C++ code.

HIDL interfaces are defined using a number of different types, including:

  • Primitives: Basic types such as int, float, and string.
  • Handles: References to other objects.
  • Enums: Enumerated types.
  • Interfaces: References to other HIDL interfaces.

HIDL interfaces can also define methods and events. Methods are functions that can be called on the service, while events are messages that can be sent to the service.

Comparison of AIDL and HIDL

AIDL and HIDL are both used to define interfaces between apps and services in Android. However, there are a number of differences between the two languages.

AIDL is a text-based language, while HIDL is a binary language. This means that AIDL interfaces are easier to read and write, but HIDL interfaces are more efficient.

AIDL is used in many parts of the Android system, while HIDL is a newer language and is not as widely used.

AIDL interfaces are compiled into Java code, while HIDL interfaces are compiled into C++ code. This means that AIDL interfaces can be used by Java apps, while HIDL interfaces can be used by C++ and Java apps.

Which language should you use?

The language that you should use to define your interface depends on a number of factors, including:

  • The performance requirements of your interface: If you need an interface that is as efficient as possible, you should use HIDL.
  • The type of apps that will be using your interface: If you want your interface to be accessible to Java apps, you should use AIDL.
  • Your experience with the two languages: If you are more familiar with AIDL, you should use AIDL. If you are more familiar with HIDL, you should use HIDL.

Overall, AIDL is a good choice for interfaces that need to be compatible with Java apps and that do not need to be as efficient as possible. HIDL is a good choice for interfaces that need to be as efficient as possible and that do not need to be compatible with Java apps.


Here is a brief introduction to Android Activity and View and RenderThread, and the relationship between them:

Android Activity

An Android Activity is the basic building block of a user interface in Android. An activity represents a single screen with a user interface. Activities can be stacked on top of each other, and users can navigate between activities by pressing the back button, swiping the screen, or tapping on a link.

Android View

An Android View is a graphical element that can be displayed on the screen. Views can be combined to create complex user interfaces. Some common views include buttons, text boxes, images, and lists.


A RenderThread is a thread that is responsible for rendering the user interface. The RenderThread runs in the background and does not interact with the main thread. This ensures that the UI remains responsive even when the main thread is busy doing other tasks.

Relationship between Activity, View, and RenderThread

Activities are responsible for creating and managing Views. When an activity is created, it creates a hierarchy of Views. The activity then passes the hierarchy of Views to the RenderThread to be rendered.

The RenderThread traverses the hierarchy of Views and draws them to the screen. The RenderThread also handles animations and other graphical effects.

The following diagram illustrates the relationship between Activity, View, and RenderThread:

[Diagram of Android Activity, View, and RenderThread relationship]

  1. The Activity creates a hierarchy of Views.
  2. The Activity passes the hierarchy of Views to the RenderThread.
  3. The RenderThread traverses the hierarchy of Views and draws them to the screen.

This process is repeated every time the UI needs to be updated.

Here is an example of how to create a simple activity with a view:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private TextView textView;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        textView = findViewById(;
        textView.setText("Hello, world!");

The setContentView() method sets the layout of the activity. The findViewById() method gets a reference to the view with the id textView. The setText() method sets the text of the view.

When the activity is created, the onCreate() method is called. The onCreate() method calls the setContentView() method to set the layout of the activity and the findViewById() method to get a reference to the textView view. The onCreate() method then calls the setText() method to set the text of the textView view.

After the onCreate() method has finished executing, the activity is ready to be displayed to the user. The RenderThread will start rendering the UI of the activity.

Overall, Activities, Views, and RenderThreads are all important components of the Android UI system. Activities are responsible for creating and managing Views. Views are graphical elements that can be displayed on the screen. RenderThreads are responsible for rendering the user interface.

By understanding the relationship between Activities, Views, and RenderThreads, you can develop more efficient and responsive Android applications.


An Android context is an object that provides information about the surrounding environment. It can be used to access resources, start activities, and perform other operations that require information about the current state of the application.

A context can be obtained from any Android object, such as an activity, service, or view. It can also be obtained from the package manager, which provides information about all of the installed applications on the device.

Here are some of the things that can be done with a context:

  • Access resources, such as strings, drawables, and layouts.
  • Start activities and services.
  • Send and receive broadcasts.
  • Get information about the current state of the application, such as the device type, screen size, and network connectivity.
  • Create new objects, such as views and dialogs.

Contexts are used in many different parts of the Android system. For example, activities use contexts to access resources, start other activities, and send broadcasts. Services use contexts to access resources and perform operations in the background. Views use contexts to access resources and draw themselves on the screen.

Here is an example of how to use a context to start an activity:

Intent intent = new Intent(this, MyActivity.class);

The this keyword in the above code refers to the context of the current object. In this case, the context is the activity that is calling the startActivity() method.

Here is an example of how to use a context to get a string resource:

String string = getString(R.string.hello_world);

The getString() method takes the resource ID of the string resource as a parameter and returns the string. The resource ID is obtained from the context.

Contexts are a powerful tool for developing Android applications. By understanding how to use contexts, you can write more efficient and flexible code.

Here are some additional benefits of using contexts:

  • Contexts can help to decouple your code from the specific environment in which it is running. This makes your code more reusable and adaptable.
  • Contexts can provide access to resources that are not available to all objects in your application. For example, activities have access to resources that are not available to services.
  • Contexts can help to simplify your code by providing a single way to access resources and perform common operations.

Overall, contexts are an essential part of the Android development process. By understanding how to use contexts, you can write more efficient, flexible, and reusable code.


Android permissions are a system that allows apps to request access to certain features or data on a user’s device. For example, an app might request permission to access the camera, the location, or the user’s contacts.

Permissions are implemented in Android using a combination of the AndroidManifest.xml file and the PackageManager service.

The AndroidManifest.xml file is a configuration file that describes the app and its permissions. When the app is installed, the PackageManager service reads the AndroidManifest.xml file to determine the app’s permissions.

The PackageManager service also manages the permissions for all of the installed apps on the device. When an app requests permission to access a feature or data, the PackageManager service checks to see if the app has been granted that permission. If the app has not been granted that permission, the user is prompted to grant or deny the permission.

There are two types of Android permissions:

  • Normal permissions: These permissions are granted automatically when the app is installed.
  • Dangerous permissions: These permissions are not granted automatically when the app is installed. The user must explicitly grant the app permission to access the feature or data.

Examples of dangerous permissions include:

  • The ability to access the camera
  • The ability to access the location
  • The ability to access the user’s contacts
  • The ability to send SMS messages
  • The ability to make phone calls

Apps should only request the permissions that they need to function. Requesting too many permissions can make users suspicious and less likely to install your app.

Here is an example of how to request a permission in Android:

ActivityCompat.requestPermissions(this, new String[]{Manifest.permission.CAMERA}, 1);

The ActivityCompat.requestPermissions() method takes three parameters:

  • The context of the activity or service that is requesting the permission.
  • An array of strings that contain the permissions that the app is requesting.
  • A request code that is used to identify the request.

The request code is used in the onRequestPermissionsResult() method to handle the user’s response to the permission request.

Here is an example of how to handle the user’s response to a permission request:

@Override public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults) { super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);

if (requestCode == 1 && grantResults.length > 0 && grantResults[0] == PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) { // The user granted the permission. } else { // The user denied the permission. } }

The onRequestPermissionsResult() method is called when the user has responded to the permission request. The requestCode parameter is the same request code that was passed to the ActivityCompat.requestPermissions() method. The permissions parameter is an array of strings that contain the permissions that the user responded to. The grantResults parameter is an array of integers that indicate whether or not the user granted each permission.

If the user granted the permission, the app can access the feature or data. If the user denied the permission, the app should not try to access the feature or data.

Permissions are an important part of the Android security system. By understanding how permissions work, you can develop apps that are more secure and trustworthy.